SCAA Executive Board Meeting Minutes

South Carolina State University, Orangeburg, South Carolina

June 6, 2008

Present: Debra Bloom, Dorothy Hazelrigg, Susan Hoffius, Heather South, Elizabeth West

This was an informal meeting of Board members before the SCAA Social.

  • Fall Conference

    Debbie reported that she is looking for a presenter on public speaking for the fall conference. She has spoken with Toastmasters. Elizabeth said that Chicora is available for the conference. Heather said she could help put together the session on health/safety issues and the unexpected “dangers” found in collections (mold, birds, bugs, rats, hazmat items, etc.), including suggested items to have on hand while looking at collections in the field (gloves, flashlight, dust mask, etc.)

  • Website

    Susan said that her colleague, Jennifer Welch, has spoken to Nancy Piester about working on the SCAA website. Jennifer has now been given “carte blanche” to redo the site by both the Board and Nancy. She will work on a style sheet with a color palette and some fonts for us to look at, and asked that we send her a list of sites that we like. She will be keeping accessibility and other tech issues in mind. Susan asked her to attend the next Board meeting to present the style sheet. Susan suggested adding a PayPal option on the SCAA website to allow members to pay dues and register for conferences that way. The treasurer would have to help decide this issue. PayPal charges a small fee, but that could be built into our charges. Susan said she would ask Jim to investigate the feasibility.

  • Logo

    Susan came up with a logo concept sheet to give our potential logo designer. She spoke to a designer at MUSC, Thomas Hamm, who charges $60 per hour. He estimated it would take 2-3 hours to come up with sample choices, then another 2-3 hours to fine tune the final selection. It was discussed whether we should spend $500 on a logo design. The general feeling was that we should. We will put it to an email vote by the whole Board.

  • Awards/Elections

    At the fall conference we will hold elections for vice president, director, and treasurer (we think). We need to be thinking of potential candidates, as well as potential award winners. It was mentioned that Connie Schulz is retiring and would be a candidate for the Lifetime Achievement Award.