Event: South Carolina Archival Association Summer Social
Date: Friday, July 29, 2022
Time: 1:30 pm
Location: Clemson Area African American Museum, 214 Butler St., Clemson, SC
Cost: $15 for SCAA members, $10 for students, $20 for non-members
Registration link: https://forms.gle/Epy3A8uYWbEm2FDq6 before July 22
Ready to meet in-person again? It’s SCAA’s Summer Social time!! Please join us on July 29, 2022, at 1:30 pm at the Clemson Area African American Museum (214 Butler St., Clemson, SC). Angela Agard, Executive Director, will give us a tour and discuss her vision for the museum. Afterwards there will be time for refreshments and reconnection as this is the first in-person event in a few years.
The Summer Social raises money for the Darrick L. Hart Scholarship Fund which honors a SCAA charter member and Conservation Specialist at the University of South Carolina Conservation Lab. Funds raised from the Summer Social are designated for scholarships that are awarded to current SCAA members to help offset the costs associated with attending professional meetings and workshops. For more details about the scholarship and how to apply for one, please visit http://scarchivists.org/index.php/hart-endowment
We hope to see you in July!