SCAA is now accepting nominations for its four annual awards.  Please use the criteria below to nominate archives workers and institutional friends who have done outstanding archival work in South Carolina.  The awards will be presented at the 2012 Fall Business Meeting on October 4.  Deadline for nominations is Friday, September 7.

South Carolina Archivist of the Year – to a current SCAA member, in recognition of extensive years of exceptional service to the profession, particularly in South Carolina, and to forwarding the mission and goals of the South Carolina Archival Association.

Career Achievement Award – in recognition of an extensive body of work on the preservation of historical material about South Carolina and of service to promoting their use, and generally rewarded upon retirement, relocation from South Carolina and similar events.  Recipients do not have to be SCAA members.

Program Innovation Awards – to SCAA members, based upon criteria such as, but not limited to: creating a viable archive where none existed; publishing materials that benefit archives or archivists; establishing successful new programs such as access to collections on the web or working with community groups to promote archives.  Successful efforts should be South Carolina-based.

Friend of the Archives Award – to an individual or organization which promotes, advocates, and/or defends archives and archival programs in South Carolina.


Please submit a separate nomination for each person or award and include:

Nominee’s name



Nominator’s name

Nominator’s contact information

Name of Award

Describe the justifications for this nominee receiving this award.  Please be specific and provide factual details.  The more information you can provide, the stronger the case you will make for your nominee.


Send nominations to Beth Bilderback, South Caroliniana Library, U.S.C., Columbia SC 29208,