You are invited

SCAA Annual Meeting: Archives and the Natural Environment

The SCAA Outreach and Advocacy Committee invites you to attend the annual meeting to be held at Newberry College in Newberry, SC on Friday, October 10, 2014. The natural environment will serve as the theme and inspiration for conference proceedings.

We welcome presentation and/or session proposals relating to the intersection of archives and records repositories with the natural environment as well as issues relevant to our profession in the 21st Century.

These include:

  • The intersection of archives and preservation with landscape, conservation, flora, fauna, agriculture, management of natural resources, and outdoor recreation in South Carolina.
  • Biographical, historical, and research information concerning collections that document the South Carolina landscape. These can include naturalists, biologists, and botanists.
  • Sustainability in the archives. Anything from selecting sustainable formats for electronic records to “green” archival facilities.
  • Challenges facing archivists involved in caring for natural history collections.
  • Collaboration of archivists with other professionals in the fields of natural history, science, archaeology, land management, engineering, surveying, landscape architecture, and farming.
  • New research and innovative projects and programs being implemented in archives repositories.

To download a session proposal form, click here!

Registration will open soon and additional details about the meeting will be available soon.