Nominations being accepted

for SCAA Executive Board officers

Looking for a chance to make a difference and to contribute to the promotion of archives and our state’s history? The Board hopes to attract both new and seasoned leaders to help SCAA provide support, training and voice for both large and small institutions. Please consider putting forth your name and making a difference! If you cannot run this year but think someone else might be a candidate, please nominate a colleague (with their consent).

The deadline for nominations is Wednesday, October 10, 2018.

We are currently seeking nominations for the following officers:

Vice President/President Elect - The vice president shall perform the duties of the president in case of the president's resignation or absence. The vice president shall serve as the president-elect and as the official Association liaison with other organizations or committees with which the Association cooperates, and shall perform other duties as requested by the president. The Vice President will rotate into the President’s position after the first year, effectively serving a two-year term.

1st Year Director - Directors in their first year shall serve on the Program Committee and perform other duties as requested by the Executive Board or president. Directors (2nd year): Directors in their second year shall chair the Program Committee, coordinate arrangements for the annual meeting, and perform other duties as requested by the Executive Board or president. This is a two-year position.

Membership - The membership officer maintains membership records and solicits new members. The membership officer serves a two year term during which they work with the treasurer and the rest of the board to garner new members and to send due notices for renewing members while keeping up to date records of the SCAA membership.

Treasurer - The treasurer has custody of all funds belonging to the South Carolina Archival Association and disburses them in accordance with the annual budget or upon the expressed authority of the Executive Board. The Treasurer serves a two year term.

As Immediate Past President, Morgan Jones-King serves SCAA as chair of the Nominating Committee. Please send any nominations to: Remember to include full name, phone, title, position for which you would like to be nominated, the institution with which you are affiliated, and why you would like to serve on the SCAA Board. You must be a member (or become a member) to serve on the Board.