The Music Library Association is searching for a new Archivist. See the position description here:

Our Archivist has a vitally important role. The successful candidate will maintain MLA’s documented history housed at the University of Maryland’s Special Collections in Performing Arts, actively collect and transfer organizational records from the membership on a regular basis, and provide reference service for MLA and the music library community worldwide. This is an excellent opportunity to serve MLA, liaise with every entity within the organization, and get up close and personal with our professional legacy.

The application deadline is February 18, 2021, and interviews for final candidates will be held February 26 and March 1.  If you have any questions about the position, please contact me or another member of the search committee: Jen Wochner ( or Matt Snyder (

The Music Library Association is strongly committed to diversity and seeks candidates who will contribute creatively to the Association's initiatives to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion in the field of music librarianship.

Elizabeth Surles

Chair, MLA Archivist Search Committee