Event: South Carolina Archival Association’s 2022 Virtual Spring Workshop

Topic: Archival Advocacy through Technical and Public Services

Date: Friday, May 13, 2022

Time: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Workshop Location: Virtual (via Zoom)

Registration link: https://forms.gle/7Tvzio1oUtZEuGCD6


South Carolina Archival Association’s 2022 Virtual Spring Workshop will focus on “Archival Advocacy through Technical and Public Services.” The workshop will be hosted virtually through Zoom on Friday, May 13, 2022, from 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM, and will be recorded and shared with members unable to attend. 


Presentations will flow in a lighting-round format, with time at the end of each presentation for panelists to answer any questions participants may have. Ten-minute breaks with following each session. The schedule will look a little something like this:


9:00-9:10 AM        Welcome & Panelist Introductions

9:10-9:50 AM        Community Programming to Foster Advocacy and Action”

Dr. Bobby Donaldson, Director, Center for Civil Rights History and Research

Constance Caddell, Archivist, Center for Civil Rights History and Research

9:50-10:00 AM    Break

10:00-10:50 AM    “Documenting the Arc: The Lowcountry, Civil Rights and the Era of 

Black Lives Matter”

Erica Veal, Processing Archivist, Avery Center for Research and Culture

10:50-11:00 AM    Break

11:00-11:50 AM    “All Things Work Together for Access: Archival Advocacy at the 

South Caroliniana Library”          

Edward Blessing, Head of User Services and Curator of Published Materials

Brian Cuthrell, Manuscripts Cataloger

Graham Duncan, Head of Collections and Curator of Manuscripts

Craig Keeney, Cataloging Librarian

11:50-12:00 PM    Break

12:00-12:50 PM    “While I Breathe, I Hope: The South Carolina Archaeological Archive 

Flood Recovery Project and the Years Since”

                Meg Gaillard, Archaeologist, Heritage Trust–S.C. Dept. of Natural Resources

12:50-1:00 PM    Closing Comments

This event is free and open to the public. Please visit here to register.