By Luke Meagher

World War One: At Home and Abroad — on display September 22 until December 18, 2017 in the lower level gallery at the Sandor Teszler Library, Wofford College, Spartanburg —shares perspectives of local, regional, national, and international life during The Great War. Through the presentation of facsimiles and originals from Wofford College's Archives and Special Collections the exhibit tells how the war affected the College as well as the city of Spartanburg. Several unique items on display also provide global context for the war. 


Wofford's exhibit is accompanied in the gallery by a travelling exhibit developed by faculty and the library at Sewanee: University of the South and funded by the Associated Colleges of the South.  The travelling exhibit features narrative historical context and facsimiles of historical items regarding the stateside political and legal environment surrounding the war,with special attention to what life was like for Germans and German-Americans in the U.S. when President Woodrow Wilson declared war on April 6, 1917,  a time when domestic anti-German sentiment was already pervasive. 



World War One: At Home and Abroad exhibit title and Gerald Sanders panels
World War One: At Home and Abroad exhibit title and Gerald Sanders panels at Wofford College in Spartanburg, SC.


A soldier's gas mask and dictionary of English and French terms
A soldier's gas mask and dictionary of English and French terms.


A collection of European post cards from the Great War and select pages from the Philip M.Powers scrapbook.
A collection of European post cards from the Great War and select pages from the Philip M. Powers scrapbook.


A panel examining the Espionage and Sedition Acts enacted during World War I.
A panel examining the Espionage and Sedition Acts enacted during World War I.


A panel examining the case of foreign civilians living in the United States who originated from nations that were in conflict with the US.
A panel examining the case of foreign civilians living in the United States who originated from nations that were in conflict with the US.